PAS 68 road blockers - from top UK suppliers

PAS 68 road blockers

Compare a range of PAS 68 road blockers here. These all meet the BSI PAS 68 specifications for vehicle security barriers. PAS 68 is the UK’s standard and the security industry’s benchmark for HVM equipment in terms of impact performance requirements for VSB's.These products all meet the impact test tolerances and vehicle performance criteria required.

PAS 68 road blockers

PAS 68 road blockers create a hard stop for penetrative vehicle attack and create optimal levels of security. If overused, security features like road blockers can create a hostile environment so they should be specified with care.

  • PAS 68 Terra Blocker - 7.5t @50mph
    PAS 68 Terra Blocker - 7.5t @50mph
    The Terra Blocker has been successfully impact-tested to BSi PAS 68:2010 specification, stopping a 7.5t N3 vehicle travelling at 50mph (80kph), which equates to 1852kJ. The PAS 68 Terra Blocker tests resulted in the vehicle being stopped within the aperture. The top plate can be finished with an anti-skid-resistant treatment which has been fully...
    Frontier Pitts
  • PAS 68 - crash rated shallow mount road blocker
    PAS 68 - crash rated shallow mount road blocker
    The Crash Rated Shallow Mount Road Blocker has been designed to prevent the threat of potential terrorist attacks where high security is required. Crash rated at MIRA (Motor Industry Research Association) and passing 100% with ‘0’ penetration and still operational after use. It is driven via a hydraulic 7.5Kw power pack with inverter/plc controls...
    Jacksons Fencing
  • PAS 68 Terra surface-mount road blocker - 7.5t @ 50mph
    PAS 68 Terra surface-mount road blocker - 7.5t @ 50mph
    The Terra surface-mounted HVM road blocker has been successfully impact-tested to the latest BSi PAS 68:2010 specification, and remains bolted in its original position during and after impact. Surface-mount technology - no foundations required; flush-mount installation also available; concertina skirt prevents potential trapping areas; can be...
    Frontier Pitts
  • Avon Wedge II HVM road blocker (PAS 68 and IWA 14-1)
    Avon Wedge II HVM road blocker (PAS 68 and IWA 14-1)
    The Avon Wedge II road blocker is a Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) solution that provides maximum security for highly sensitive vehicle access points, providing protection against unauthorised vehicles. This shallow foundation road blocker is ideal where deeper foundations are not possible / practical. With a foundation depth of just 300mm...
    Avon Barrier
  • RB780CR Chieftain road blocker
    RB780CR Chieftain road blocker
    The RB780CR Chieftain road blocker provides a high level of security against unauthorised vehicle access in applications such as high-security establishments, iconic buildings and critical infrastructure. Designed to withstand direct impact forces in excess of 1,800 KJ. Protects sites from vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) attacks...
    Avon Barrier
  • CSG 10503 pit-mounted road blocker
    CSG 10503 pit-mounted road blocker
    CSG 10506 road blocker is designed to withstand a hostile vehicle-borne attacks and stop the vehicle dead in its tracks.The product is fully compliant to PAS 68, crash tested with 7.5 tonne at 50mph. It is the only road blocker in the world that has been attacked by a suicide bomber. it prevented the 4 ton detonation taking place at the intended...
    Cova Security Gates
  • RB880CR Defender high-security road blocker
    RB880CR Defender high-security road blocker
    The High Security Road Blockers have all been independently crash physically tested in the UK. Our current accredited test facility is HORIBA MIRA. The road blocker comes with a push-button hold to run control as standard. The road blocker can be customised to interface with a wide range of access control equipment to suit specific customer...
    Avon Barrier
  • Avon RB880CR K4 Defender shallow road blocker
    Avon RB880CR K4 Defender shallow road blocker
    Avon RB880CR K4 Defender Shallow Road Blocker, a hostile vehicle mitigation solution, provides a high level of protection where deeper foundations are not possible/practice. With a foundation depth of less that 300mm the road blocker is designed as a Vehicle Security Barrier (VSB) and has been independently physically impact tested at the...
    Avon Barrier
  • RB980CR Sabre surface-mount high-security road blocker
    RB980CR Sabre surface-mount high-security road blocker
    Independently physically impact-tested, conducted in accordance with PAS 68 by the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL). The RB980CR Sabre road blocker arrested a 7500kg vehicle travelling at 80kph (50mph) and achieved a PAS 68 classification of V/7500(N2)/80/90:8.5/0 Assembled in Avon Barrier's fabrication facilities the road blocker combines an...
    Avon Barrier
  • CSG 10506 crash rated shallow depth road blockers
    CSG 10506 crash rated shallow depth road blockers
    CSG 10506 Shallow Mount Road Blocker, crash tested to PAS 68, is designed to overcome site conditions where it is difficult to excavate deep foundations due to ground restrictions. Folding skirt provides the same level of protection as CSG's solid one piece model but with less foundation required. Shallow depth of 215mm for minimal site...
    Cova Security Gates
  • Avon Barrier Lift System (BLS)
    Avon Barrier Lift System (BLS)
    The Avon Barrier Lift System (BLS) provides reliable high security at vehicle access points. It is vehicle crash-tested to internationally recognised standards. Its reliable and fast operation provides immediate protection against vehicles attempting to gain unauthorised access. BLS is a unique crash-tested blocking system, where the crash beam is...
    Avon Barrier
  • PAS 68 road blocker
    PAS 68 road blocker
    Heald’s road blocker range is the perfect solution for high-security installations where a high-profile deterrent is required: successfully PAS68 tested; lockable inspection cover; LED lighting available; sacrificial front radius plate design; operates after impact....
  • Viper shallow mount PAS 68 road blocker
    Viper shallow mount PAS 68 road blocker
    Heald’s Viper offers PAS 68 and ASTM tested security in an imposing shallow mount solution. Successfully crash tested to PAS68 and ASTM standards LED Lighting available Environmental advantages (synthetic oil) Shallow foundation depth Proven reliability Protective sacrificial skirt...
  • Raptor shallow-mount automatic bollard (PAS 68)
    Raptor shallow-mount automatic bollard (PAS 68)
    Raptor automatic rising bollards combine the high security of a road blocker with the flexibility of a shallow-mount bollard. They are ideal for areas where hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) solutions are required. Patent protected; dual tested successfully to PAS 68 and ASTM standards; LED lighting and trace heating available...
  • Commander 30 tonne road blocker
    Commander 30 tonne road blocker
    Heald’s Commander is the ultimate in perimeter protection and the world’s only security barrier PAS 68 tested to stop dead a 30-tonne truck travelling at 80 kph (50 mph). This is officially the highest ever impact energy test successfully carried out on a security barrier. Lockable inspection cover Zero penetration World’s only 30 tonne tested...