Stormwater storage

Stormwater storage modules can be used as attenuation units or soakaways. They are installed under the paved surfaces of car parks, commercial areas, residential developments and other hardstandings. They accommodate surface water runoff, providing source control as part of sustainable urban drainage schemes.

Cellular stormwater management modules can be used with geotextiles for infiltration or with impermeable membranes for water storage. They fit together to create drainage systems of different sizes, depths and configurations.

Pipes provide large-capacity stormwater overflow and attenuation for integrated SUDS schemes.


Granular sub-base / infiltration systems incorporate permeable block paving elements installed on layers of clean crushed stone and geotextile sheeting. They regulate and redistribute drainage of surface water into the ground or to a sewer.


Granular sub-base / lined systems with an additional impermeable membrane, which retains water for controlled discharge or recycling and re-use in non-potable applications including irrigation.

See also